Why Prigmore Law?
Most people don’t worry about their own Estate Plan until someone they care for, like an aged parent, becomes incapacitated or dies. With their incapacity or death, suddenly the quality of your parent’s estate plan becomes a very real problem. No plan, an incomplete plan, or a poorly prepared plan can cause problems you didn’t even dream of. What happens if while mentally incapacitated, you are unable to pay bills or make health care decisions? Many financial institutions and health care providers will refuse to communicate with friends and family regarding a parent’s health or assets without signed permission prior to the incapacity. A good estate plan deals with issues that happen both before and after death. As none of us know when our situation may drastically change, now is the best time to prepare an Estate Plan.
Abraham Lincoln taught “A Lawyer’s time and advice is his stock and trade.” That time and advice is what you are paying for in attorney’s fees. Don’t gamble with online vendors offering a Will or Trust you can print and sign. The documents produced for an Estate Plan are only the “tip of the iceberg” and represent the very end of the process.
Discussing your case and producing a “legal diagnosis” is absolutely necessary. No one would trust taking pills from a doctor’s prescription randomly printed off of the internet. Taking the wrong pills can do you more harm than good. Signing a legal document that doesn’t match your situation can easily make your situation worse.
Communicating with an experienced Estate Planning Attorney is crucial to avoid errors that can harm or destroy an Estate Plan. Even attorneys experienced in other specialties of the law will sometimes prepare a Will or Trust. I have discovered surprising errors revealing the attorney’s inexperience in estate planning. If you want your plan done right, put my time and experience to work for you!
If you obtain your Estate Plan at Prigmore Law, you will pay less than you would at larger law firms in cities to the North. A higher price does not equate with higher quality legal documents. The laws are the same no matter what you pay. I have reviewed Estate Plans that clients purchased for several thousand dollars that failed to properly manage and distribute the estate. Some plans are quite showy, but turn out to be burdensome and complicated to manage. Often the most complicated and involved plans are the least useful.
If you have less than $10 Million in cash and assets, a simple setup will save you time, stress and money. Let me prepare a plan that will be easy for you to manage while covering all the bases.