
When you lose a loved one, the many issues that need to be handled can be overwhelming. Questions often asked include, “Who has the authority to pay bills, sell a house or distribute assets to heirs? How long will probate take? Will creditors claim the remaining assets?
With over 15 years of experience, Ken Prigmore knows there are many tools and options that will assist you in a variety of circumstances. Don’t let attorneys with little or no experience in Probate use you as their training opportunity to gain experience at your expense!
Sometimes your situation will not require a full Probate, and other less expensive options may do the job. Let Ken tailor the solutions to your specific circumstances.
You won’t be charged unless you choose to retain our services. That means you can meet with Ken and discuss your situation, learn what your options are, and then decide if you need his help. No one will pressure you to buy, so you have nothing to lose in making an appointment and learning more.
We have both flat fees and billable hours depending on what you need. We have had many clients tell us our pricing was competitive and reasonable.
Please give us the opportunity to review your case and suggest a game plan. Meeting with Ken will cost you nothing, but may save you thousands.

Wills can transfer assets upon your death to a specific entity or individual. If you don’t own real estate, normally all of your assets can be passed outside of probate. If you have specific people or charities that you wish to give your assets to, a will may be sufficient.
Wills can be simple or complex. If a will is uncontested in probate, it can take almost any form. To stand up to legal assault, a will normally is printed, dated and signed in front of two witnesses. A handwritten will, or holographic will, can be signed and dated without witnesses.
Wills can be found in many forms online, however, the quality varies significantly. Just as you would not want to diagnose your own illness and print a drug prescription off of the internet, producing your own will without an attorney may not have the effects you intend. Even attorneys that focus on other types of law often make avoidable errors due to inexperience with estate planning.
With 15 years of experience, Ken has reviewed many wills that failed to meet the goals of the signer. Call today and let Ken put his experience to work for you!

Trusts allow you to control the timing and management of your assets long after you have passed. Without a trust, every gift of real estate at death will be required to go through probate to be sold and distributed to heirs.
Trusts give your successor Trustees the ability to manage the assets you placed in the Trust when your health declines. Your successor Trustees can do this without paying court and legal fees to obtain a conservatorship. Trust assets can be distributed within months of your death, or last for generations as needed. Trustees can be chosen to manage property and choose when and if payments are made to your heirs. If any of your heirs are receiving government disability payments, you may wish to use a trust to limit how much is paid out to your heir to avoid ending those payments.
Discuss your wishes with Ken and learn how you can use a Trust to ensure your assets are distributed at the right time and in the right circumstances.
Real Estate

Quit Claim Deeds, Warranty Deeds, and more can be prepared as needed.
Let Ken prepare a deed to place your property in a Trust or LLC to avoid probate.
If you need to buy or sell property, allow Ken to help you determine what documents you will need based on your circumstances. If you sell property to one of your children, you may want to record a Trust Deed to formalize the loan and allow your children to claim the annual interest on their Federal taxes.
If managing the monthly transactions is a burden, Ken can handle the Escrow issues for you, including producing an annual 1098 and 1099 for the IRS. Some transactions will need additional insurance from a title company.
Talk to Ken to learn your options, along with recommendations, without any obligation to purchase services.
Business Formation

Start your dream business. Or create one to hold and manage assets.
Utah’s Division of Corporations’ “One Stop” service allows you to register your business on your own. If the long checklists and requirements are more than you want to tackle on your own, Ken is happy to assist you.
Starting a business is the best way to protect your personal assets from lawsuits based on your business operations. Call today to get a quote and some obligation free recommendations and advice.
Power of Attorney

Give someone you trust the ability to sign on your behalf. Choose someone you trust to handle your finances when you are incapacitated or simply too busy to handle them on your own.
A power of attorney can be limited or wide open to handle any situation. Without a power of attorney, your family may be required to go to court to obtain a conservatorship before they can handle your finances on your behalf in an emergency.
Call today at no obligation to learn your options and get some recommendations to help you make plans for the future.
Health Care Directive

Take control of health care issues by choosing an agent to speak when you cannot. Life is unpredictable and often out of our control. While you are still able to make determinations regarding your health, consider completing a Health Care Directive to choose who will speak on your behalf and what options they may have.
Doctors and hospitals can get caught in a bind when your family members disagree regarding how to handle issues related to health emergencies, long term hospitalization, timing of death and the handling of your remains. Though these topics can be difficult to consider, rely on Ken to discuss these matters in plain English with patience and compassion. Take control and choose today how you want things to be handled in the future before your health declines.
Request a FREE Consultation
After serving the legal needs of clients across the Wasatch Front for over 15 years, Ken has the experience needed to create effective estate plans that last. Call today to discuss your options without any obligation to purchase.

Request a FREE Consultation
After serving the legal needs of clients across the Wasatch Front for over 15 years, Ken has the experience needed to create effective estate plans that last. Call today to discuss your options without any obligation to purchase.
Main Office
1145 S 800 E
Orem, UT 84097
(East of University Mall)
Satellite Office
607 E Kirby Lane
Spanish Fork, UT 84660
(Behind Deseret Book)
Phone: (801) 210-1058
Prigmore Law serves the following counties: Utah, Juab,
Sanpete, Salt Lake and Wasatch.